Be Prepared for Flu Season!
Joseph E. Robach
September 17, 2010
- Health
As we enter flu season, here is some helpful information from the Monroe County Health Department:
Regardless if you got the seasonal and/or the H1N1 shot last year, you need a flu shot this Fall. This year's flu vaccine will contain H1N1 as it is believed that H1N1 will again circulate. But unlike last year, you will not need a separate shot -- 1 shot will do it. Also new this year, all persons 6 months and older are encouraged to get vaccinated.
There are numerous venues to get a flu shot -- your doctor, a pharmacy, or one of the dozens of public clinics. There are LINKS below to the major flu clinic providers in Monroe County. We encourage you to visit their web sites to find the location that is most convenient for you.
We often receive questions about insurance coverage. While most clinic providers accept most insurances, it is not possible for us to track all the insurance information for the numerous health plans that now exist. In some cases a fee is charged, a receipt given, and you must then deal with your insurance carrier. Your insurance carrier should be able to tell you if the vaccine is covered.
In addition to the information provided here, we also post WEEKLY clinic information on our Flu Line: 753-5600.
While there is ample time to get your flu shot, put it on your "to-do" list today to protect your health and that of your family.
Questions and answers from the CDC regarding season flu
Master list of flu clinics in Monroe County
Flu shot providers in Monroe County: