Benefit Concert to Aid Honor Flight

Featuring Prime Time Brass and the Aquinas Institute Jazz Ensemble.
Tickets available at all Wegmans Food Stores - $6.00
$7.00 at the door.
Special guests are lining up. Stay tuned for future announcements on musicians and speakers being added to this special night.
Free tickets for WWII vets who have flown on past Honor Flight trips - available ONLY through Honor Flight Rochester.
A little background: The Prime Time Brass did a performance for Honor Flight in the summer of 2009 and found it to be one of the most moving and important musical experiences of our lives. Honor Flight has an important mission: To fly WWII vets to Washington DC to visit THEIR monuments.
It costs approximately $500 to send one vet on the trip, and Prime Time is calling on all our fans and supporters to come out in force for this important cause.
This will be one of the final performances for Prime Time before heading off to the Mardi Gras. The FULL lineup will be on stage. This promises to be Prime Time's most Power-packed performance ever.