RG&E Offering Reward in Connection with Incident at Russell Station Site

RG&E, in cooperation with the Town of Greece Police Department, is offering a $5,000 reward to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the individual or individuals responsible for releasing oil and stealing copper from a spare transformer at RG&E’s Russell Station property. Information should be provided directly to the Greece police department tip line at 585.581.4016.
In the meantime, RG&E and its contractor, KBH Environmental, are continuing to make good progress in cleaning up the mineral oil.
Sunday’s torrential rain and a soggy Monday caused two challenges: mud at the substation site and movement of an oily sheen from the Slater Creek shore line and nearby vegetation onto the water. On the logistics front, a huge crane needed to be brought in to move the 65-ton transformer and three
30-ton concrete pads to make way for clean up of the site.
RG&E has recovered nearly 1,000 gallons of pure oil from the ground around where the transformer was located and from various other low points nearby – solid progress. The company then excavated an estimated 900 tons of crushed stone, soil and clay from the site. This material, an estimated 40 truckloads that includes a substantial amount of oil, is being removed from the site for disposal. RG&E is working with the Town of Greece to ensure that removal of the material from the site is done with as little inconvenience to neighbors as possible.
RG&E is also continuing to contain and clean up any oil in Slater Creek using booms and absorbent pads.
The company has found no evidence of oil along the Lake Ontario shoreline, either west or east of Slater Creek. RG&E will continue to monitor the shore line and if any oil is found it will be addressed.
RG&E expects work at the site to continue for at least several weeks. The company is continuing to work with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the state and Monroe County departments of health and the U.S. Coast Guard.
The public is reminded to avoid any areas where oil sheen may be visible including in Slater Creek and Lake Ontario. Also, the public should refrain from swimming, fishing and using watercraft near any oil sheens.
Additional information on this incident will be provided as any developments warrant