Griffo Again Votes Against Government Extender

Joseph A. Griffo

May 11, 2010

Griffo Again Votes Against Government Extender, Says New Yorkers Expect a Budget, Not more Excuses  

(Albany) -  Senator Joseph A. Griffo (R-IP-C, Rome) today reported that he has again voted against legislation meant to temporarily extend State government expenditures until a Budget is passed.

“I refuse to let the Governor and Legislative Leaders continue to hold New Yorkers hostage for the late State budget crisis they have created,” Griffo said.  “With no new budget in place, they continue to put off making hard decisions to address a Budget deficit that grows larger each day.”

“Because Legislative leaders in both Houses ignored the law and decided not to hold timely conference committees to publicly negotiate how to address the $9.2 billion deficit,” Griffo continued, “We’re stuck passing extenders, passing excuses but not passing a Budget agreement.  The lack of serious negotiations or deliberations is disappointing.  The lack of respect for the laws governing the budget process is disgraceful. The lack of an earnest effort to get the budget done is disgusting.”

“Until we have a Budget proposal in front of us, a responsible proposal that shares the fiscal pain, reduces spending and doesn’t increase taxes or onerous fees, I will continue to vote against any temporary extensions to government spending, as I did on March 29th, April 12th, April 19th, April 26th and May 3rd.” Griffo stressed. “New Yorkers expect a budget vote now – not the day or week after – to move forward and stop penalizing the millions who are pawns to the Albany game of power politics.”