New Law Supports Commercial Fishermen

Kenneth P. LaValle

September 22, 2010

Senator Kenneth P. LaValle today announced that legislation he sponsored in the Senate to protect the permits of commercial fishermen with large boats has been signed into law.  The new law exempts certain commercial fishermen from having to comply with a 1997 statute that limited the length of commercial fishing vessels.


“The 1997 law was enacted to limit New York State fishing permits only to those vessels 70 feet or less.  It was designed to prevent large out-of-state vessels from obtaining permits,” said Senator LaValle.         

According to Senator LaValle, the new state law is modeled after federal law and allows owners of offshore vessels a one-time replacement boat up to 10 percent longer without the risk of losing their fishing permit.


“I am an enthusiastic supporter of our local commercial fisherman and am pleased that this measure will help them maintain an efficient and profitable fishing operation,” concluded Senator LaValle.


Senator LaValle noted that this measure takes effect immediately.