Senate Passes Resolution to Move Terror Trials

Kenneth P. LaValle

February 9, 2010

Click to listen to Senator LaValle comment on the Resolution

Senator Kenneth P. LaValle today announced that the Senate Republicans were successful in passing a resolution urging the President to move the terror trials out of New York State.   Senator LaValle received overwhelming support for this effort through an on-line petition he launched allowing his constituents to “Join the Fight” to have the 9/11 terror trials moved out of New York State and tried by a military commission tribunal.

The New York State Senate Resolution opposes the Obama Administration’s decision to conduct the 9/11 terror trial in a New York City federal civilian court and maintains that terrorists should not be afforded the same constitutional criminal justice protections reserved for United State citizens. 

The Obama Administration is wrong in making this change in policy and has offered no explanation to justify placing the public at risk.  This is an insult to every American and shows blatant disregard for the people of New York.  In addition, the economic impact on businesses and taxpayers could reach nearly $1 billion.

“The people have spoken and are as outraged as I am that terrorists would be given the same protections as U.S. citizens,” said Senator LaValle.   “It is my hope that the President and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will respect our assertion and reverse this decision without delay.”