Senator Lavalle Brings Awareness to Lipa’s “Critical Care Program”

Kenneth P. LaValle

June 22, 2010

If you or a loved one rely on life-support equipment that would be affected by an electrical outage, Senator Kenneth P. LaValle would like to make you aware of the Long Island Power Authority’s (LIPA) “Critical Care Program.”

The program makes sure that special attention is given to individuals on life support when a severe storm is forecasted or some other event that threatens the reliability of service occurs.  However, customers need to contact LIPA so that their account can be noted as a “critical care” account.  According to LIPA, there are 11 devices that meet the criteria for life-support equipment.  To learn more about qualifying equipment and the information required by LIPA to be eligible for this service, please call 1-800-490-0025 or visit

 "It is my hope that this information will be helpful to individuals dependent upon life-support equipment,” said Senator LaValle.  “I would encourage anyone whose equipment would fail during an electrical outage to contact LIPA and register their account to take advantage of this service.”