Senator Lavalle Encourages Electronic Tax Filing

Kenneth P. LaValle

January 22, 2010

Senator Kenneth P. LaValle is encouraging taxpayers to file their 2010 personal income tax returns electronically.  The Department of Taxation and Finance has reported that nearly 95 percent of New York taxpayers are filing electronically with no adverse effects.  

“The Tax Department has found that the number of taxpayers using paper forms decreases each year, which has saved nearly $1 million in printing and postage,” said Senator LaValle.  “The Tax Department will be mailing postcards to those still filing paper forms to encourage them to file electronically.”

Senator LaValle will have a small supply of tax forms available at his district office for those who wish to file a paper form and cannot download the form from the Tax Department’s web site.  Local libraries should also have some paper forms on hand.  However, Senator LaValle is encouraging taxpayers to use the Tax Department’s web site,, as their primary source of information for filing their upcoming tax returns.

The Tax Department also will save money by providing Form 1099G, Statement for Recipient of State Income Tax Refunds electronically.  Beginning January 30, 2010, taxpayers will be able to find the amount of their 2008 New York State tax refund by visiting the web site at  You may also call 518-485-0799 or 1-866-698-2946 for telephone assistance on or after the January 30th date.

In addition, the IRS and New York State would like people to be aware that they may be eligible to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit.  Please visit the state web site at for more information.