Senator Lavalle Opposes Home Heating Oil Law

Kenneth P. LaValle

July 23, 2010

Senator Kenneth P. LaValle expressed concern that passage of legislation requiring a lower sulfur content in home heating oil does not allow adequate time for the necessary conversion. As the past sponsor of legislation to reduce sulfur oxide emissions, Senator LaValle voted against this measure because the bill does not give enough time to allow everyone to gear up for the change.

“While I applaud the intent of the new law and have always supported clean air measures, I believe the 2012 time frame established through this measure is too short,” said Senator LaValle.  “My colleagues fought for an additional 2 years, bringing the conversion deadline to 2014.  This would have given all concerned parties the time to make the changes necessary to meet the demand for cleaner burning heating oil and protect homeowners from unnecessary spikes in fuel costs.”

Senator LaValle noted that the new home heating oil emissions requirements go into effect on or after July 1, 2012.