Senator Lavalle Supports Autism Health Coverage

Kenneth P. LaValle

June 14, 2010

Senator Kenneth P. LaValle announced that the Senate has passed legislation he co-sponsored which would expand health insurance coverage to include screening, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorders.

“The Autism Society of America cites autism as the fastest growing developmental disability,” said Senator LaValle.  “However, regardless of the number of children affected by autism, many insurance companies do not cover the cost of medically necessary screenings and treatment.”

Under the legislation passed in the Senate, insurance policies would be required to provide coverage for individuals with autism spectrum disorder throughout their entire life.  Coverage would be limited to only those treatments and therapies which have been determined by a recognized medical authority as evidence-based and clinically proven.

Raising a child with autism places a tremendous amount of stress on families,” said Senator LaValle.   “Parents should not have to be burdened with the added worry of whether insurance will cover the cost of necessary health care.”

This bill awaits Assembly action.