Senator Lavalle Supports Repeal of Salt Water Fishing Fee

Kenneth P. LaValle

June 17, 2010

Senator Kenneth P. LaValle today announced that the Senate has passed a measure he supported that would repeal the recreational saltwater fishing license fee created in the 2009 budget.  The bill keeps New York in compliance with federal law by creating a registry in lieu of requiring individuals to purchase a license.

Under the measure, New York would create a free registry for recreational saltwater fisherman.  The registry would meet the federal requirements to provide certain background information on recreational saltwater fisherman.  States that are not in compliance with this regulation will be forced to require individuals to purchase a license from the federal government.

“I voted against this measure when it was part of the 2009 budget and am happy to support its repeal today,” said Senator LaValle.  “In my district, in particular, various patents that date back to Colonial time give the land to the freeholders.  As such, trustees have had control over the bay bottoms and have expended taxpayer dollars to bring a lawsuit to defend their rights.

“I am voting in favor of this measure and hope there is commensurate dollars in the budget to ensure that  the salt water fishing fee is done away with,” concluded Senator LaValle.

Click here to hear Senator LaValle's comments.