Addressing the Budget Crisis: What Do You think? Take the Survey

Liz Krueger

February 24, 2010

Below are some broad budget options as well as some specific proposals from the Governors budget. Please indicate what your general priorities are by checking the appropriate circles.

Maintain SpendingCut SpendingNot Sure
Health Care ($50.3 billion) (50% Federal Match, Cut State, lose Federal $)
K-12 Education ($24.5 billion)
Local Government Assistance ($9.6 billion) (i.e., Aid and Incentives to Municipalities)
Capital Projects/Infrastructure ($8.6 billion)
Higher Education ($7.2 billion)
Employee Benefits ($6.3 billion) (i.e., Pension, Health Care, Taxes)
Transportation ($4.7 billion)
Local Welfare Assistance ($4.7 billion) (i.e., Public Assistance, Child Care)
Other Executive Agency Budgets($4.7 billion) (e.g., Dept of Aging, Dept.of Environmental Conservation)
Corrections/State Police ($3.1 billion)
STAR Property Tax Rebates ($3 billion)
Judiciary ($2 billion)
Member Items ($170 Million)
SupportOpposeNot Sure
Increase income tax on high wage earners
Increase business taxes
Cut refundable business tax credits
Transfer Tax on stock transactions
Commuter Tax
Congestion Pricing
Carbon Tax on Pollution
SupportOpposeNot Sure
Decrease local school aid ($1.1 billion)
Eliminate Aid and Incentives to Municipalities (AIM) funding for New York City ($301 million)
Cut Medicaid programs ($1 billion)
Cut Environmental Protection Fund ($79 million)
Cut Tuition Assistance (TAP) grants for college students ($33 million)
Cut community college aid ($56 million)
Allow SUNY and CUNY to increase their own tuition by campus and program and reduce state funding ($142.7 million)
Reduce funding for homeless services and supportive housing ($69 million)
Delay implementation of increase to public assistance grant ($14 million)
Across-the-board agency cuts ($500 million)
Allow liquor stores to sell more products and allow sale of wine in grocery stores (revenue increase of $250 million through franchise fees)
Eliminate MTA payroll tax on sole proprietors earning less than $100,000 (loss of $29 million in revenue)
Increase MTA payroll tax in NYC (gain of $453 million in revenue)
Decrease payroll tax in suburbs (loss of $216 million in revenue)
Tax on Sugared Sodas (Revenue increase of $450 million)