Senate Passes Bill to Protect Kids from Sex Offenders

Malcolm A. Smith

July 7, 2010

Law requires sex offender and abuse  screening for jobs working with children



(Albany, NY)  Senate President Malcolm A. Smith and the Senate Democratic Majority passed legislation in the Senate (S6998A) which will help prevent employers from hiring registered sex offenders and those guilty of child abuse for jobs that require a significant time spent around children.




While hiring policies utilized by public schools already include background checks and ensure this security for children, other organizations do not currently practice similar diligence.


Senator Smith praised the passing of the bill, noting this will prevent anyone on either the New York State Sex Offender Registry or the Statewide Central Registry of Child Abuse and Maltreatment from gaining employment in a manner that again places a child at risk.


“Our primary objective must be to keep our children safe from dangerous predators,” said Senator Smith. “This legislation reduces the risk of exposing new victims to sexual abuse by keeping known offenders from spending extended time around children.”


Senator Smith continued, “Extending the background check requirement to other child-oriented fields benefits the entire community. It gives parents the peace of mind of knowing their child is safe, it guards sex offenders and abusers from potentially committing another violation, and it reduces the risk of creating new victims of sexual abuse by prohibiting known offenders from interacting with children.”


For more information about the Sex Offender Registry visit; for the Registry of Child Abuse visit


This bill passed the Senate unanimously (61-0) and is awaiting action in the Assembly.

