Senate President Pro Tem Malcolm A. Smith Joins Freeport Mayor Hardwick to Announce Infrastructure Grant

Malcolm A. Smith

March 24, 2010

Senate President Pro Tem Malcolm A. Smith joined Freeport Mayor Andrew Hardwick and State Senator Kevin Parker on Friday to present the Village of Freeport with a $1 million grant from the New York State Senate for much needed road repairs.  

The grant is the first installment of a 3 year, $5 million capital allocation for road repairs funded through the New York State Multi-Modal Transportation program. The Department of Transportation is responsible for administering and financing the project.
“The State Senate is committed to investing in the future of Freeport and New York.  On behalf of the State Senate and Senator Martin Malave Dilan, Chairman of the Transportation Committee, we are presenting a grant today that will put people to work immediately on much needed road repairs and lay the foundation for Freeport’s long-term growth,” said Senate President Malcolm A. Smith. 

“Investment in, and the maintenance of our transportation system puts people to work and helps to keep goods and people moving. This investment in Freeport’s infrastructure will go to maintain the condition of, and extend the useful life of its roads,” said Senator Martin Malavé Dilan, D-Brooklyn. “In doing so we help to bolster Freeport’s workforce, energize the community and ensure safer travel.”

“Public works projects provide the jobs New Yorkers need during these troubled economic times, and are a vital building block for private economic activity.  By investing in Freeport’s roads and infrastructure, the State Senate will help Freeport attract and retain jobs, and remain a desirable place to live and do business in the coming decades,” said State Senator Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn).

“I want to thank Senator Malcolm Smith, Senator Dilan, Senator Kevin Parker and the New York State Senate for making this down payment on Freeport’s future.  Freeport’s infrastructure is in dire need of repair, and the Senate has made an important investment in our community.  Together, we will build a better future for everyone,” said Freeport Mayor Andrew Hardwick.

“Freeport is one of the most diverse communities on Long Island. It provides its residents and businesses with crucial service through its publicly-owned utilities.  It is important for the State to make the crucial infrastructure investments necessary to maintain Freeport’s future growth and quality of life,” said Deputy Speaker of the NY State Assembly Earlene Hooper.

Deputy Speaker of the NY State Assembly Earlene Hooper joined Mayor Hardwick and Senators Smith and Parker  for the ceremonial presentation of the $1 Million dollar check at Village Hall.