Mckinley Student Norman Zhao Named “Senator for a Day”
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, 22nd District), today is announcing that McKinley Junior High School 8th Grade student Norman Zhao has been selected as the winner of the 8th Annual “State Senator For A Day” essay contest. In his essay, Norman wrote about the importance of the Brooklyn Public Library, and how as a Senator, he would work to prevent any budget cuts to libraries.
More than 30 students presented their essays before a panel of judges at a ceremony held this week at Public School 204. Senator Golden received almost 2,000 essays that began with the phrase, “If I were a State Senator for a Day”.
Vincent DiDonato of the 8th Grade at St. Bernadette's School, was picked as the second place winner and Nicholas Cannizzo, of the 7th Grade of Our Lady of Grace, was the third place winner. Both will receive a U.S. Savings Bond.
Senator Marty Golden stated, “This contest has become a tradition of our community’s education as well as a learning tool for both the students and myself. This year, the students wrote about issues facing all New Yorkers, such as the need to create jobs, remove graffiti, increase school budgets, and install additional lighting on dark streets. Other students also presented an idea to establish an activity center on Shore Road with a swimming pool and an ice skating rink. Once again, I was very impressed by the ideas and issues brought to my attention by our local students.”
The contest invited the participation of all 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in schools located within Senator Golden’s district. The judges included Marc Hibsher from the Brooklyn Eagle, Joel Garson from Our News, and Dr. Salvatore Ferrera. Former Community School Board 20 President Marianne Teta chairs the contest for Senator Marty Golden.
Norman Zhao and his class will be invited Albany and visit with Senator Golden and watch the State Senate in session.