Senator Golden Salutes Local Veterans in Celebration of Memorial Day

Brooklyn- State Senator Marty Golden, a member of the State Senate Committee on Homeland Security, Military and Veteran Affairs, today hosted a breakfast awards ceremony for local veterans as part of the community’s celebration and recognition of Veteran’s Day.
Senator Golden saluted more than 150 veterans in attendance including members of the American Legion Post #791, #157, the Jewish War Veterans, Uncaged MC New York Chapter 1, the Veterans of Foreign War Rankin Healey Post, the Catholic War Veterans Post #27, the Korean War Veterans of American, the Disabled American Veterans Post 154, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Brooklyn “Key” Chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War, the Vietnam Veterans of America, the Veterans of Modern Warfare and the Blind Veterans of America.
At the ceremony, Senator Golden honored Colonel Stephen V. Smith, Commander of the Fort Hamilton Army Base, and Lance Corporal Ruben Pratts of the United States Marine Corps.
In his remarks, Senator Golden stated, “Each year, I host this event to pay tribute to the veterans of my Brooklyn district and to thank them for their service to our City, State and our Nation. And today, as we gather, we pause to remember the lives of those we have lost in their service to our country, we see to it that in our little corner of the world, these sacrifices are never forgotten. And as we remember those who have died defending these United States of America, we must also keep our American POW’s and MIA’s in our thoughts and prayer.”
Senator Golden stated, “America is the greatest nation on the face of the Earth and there is no denying that. That statement is only true because of the sacrifices of the men and women in this room, and our other veterans, and now, because of the active military who have followed in your footsteps, who fight against evil and tyranny in this world, and who maintain and foster democracy in our World.”
Senator Golden concluded, “Ladies and gentleman, to all of you, I say thank you. Thank you on behalf of a grateful community, a grateful City and State, and a grateful Nation. Thank you for allowing democracy to live, and freedom to ring, and letting liberty and the pursuit of happiness be the governing principles of our way of life. May God Bless the United States of America and our military.”