Over 32,000 New Yorkers Support Senator Nozzolio’s Petition to Restore Star Rebate Program

Over 32,000 New Yorkers from all across New York State have joined State Senator Mike Nozzolio’s fight to restore the STAR property tax rebate by signing his online petition calling upon Governor David Paterson to reinstate the program.
“From every corner of New York State, families, senior citizens and businesses have spoken loud and clear: eliminating critical property tax relief for homeowners at this time is just plain wrong,” said Senator Nozzolio. “Tens of thousands of homeowners have signed my petition and forwarded it to everyone they know who is fed up with the crushing cost of property taxes in this State. This overwhelming response should send a message to the Governor that he cannot continue to ignore the millions of New Yorkers who depend on the STAR rebate to lower their tax burden.”
The STAR Rebate program was eliminated in last April’s disastrous State budget and, as a result, New York State homeowners and families have lost over $1.45 billion in badly needed tax relief.
Senator Nozzolio strongly opposed last year’s budget and fought aggressively to enact a budget amendment that would have restored the STAR Rebate. The budget amendment was rejected by all 32 Democratic Senators and lost by only one vote!
“Every day I receive a call, letter or email from a homeowner or family in my Senate District who needed this relief to keep their taxes current and offset the high cost of the taxes we already pay,” said Senator Nozzolio. “As one of the individual Senators who worked to establish the STAR program, I fought hard to get the STAR rebate program enacted into law, and I will continue fighting just as hard to get it back. I created the STAR REBATE PETITION DRIVE as a way to allow people to voice their disappointment to Governor Paterson and to demonstrate the need to reinstate the program."
The Petition has been circulated all across Senator Nozzolio’s District and has also been distributed in nearly every county in New York State where it continues to gather an unprecedented number of signatures. So far, over 32,000 New Yorkers have signed the petition and the list is growing longer every hour. In the last two days, the petition has received more than 2,500 new signatures.
“By working together, we can ensure that Upstate New York homeowners get the property tax relief they need and deserve,” Senator Nozzolio said. “There are many areas in New York State government where spending should be reduced, but the budget should not be balanced on the backs of property taxpayers who already pay some of the highest taxes in the nation.”
Senator Nozzolio’s petition is still accessible at www.nysenate.gov/press-release/join-fight-restore-star-rebates .