Sayville HS Student Anna Mizzi Chosen To 'Shadow' Senator Owen Johnson at State Capitol

Owen H. Johnson

May 6, 2010

In Senate Chamber from left to right:  John DiVito, Senator Owen H. Johnson staff; Anna Mizzi, Sayville High School; Senator Owen H. Johnson.

Senator Owen H. Johnson welcomed Anna Mizzi, a 10th grader from Sayville High School, who was chosen to ‘shadow’ the Senator in Albany recently.   Anna was chosen as the Town of Islip and Smithtown’s representative to spend four days at the State Capitol as part of the 10th annual Students Inside Albany Program sponsored by the League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation, Inc.
“Being able to see a real person in action, in a real career, changing the world will give me insight into how I can change my world, now and later in my life, with a career,” Anna said of the opportunity.  “Given the chance to gain an understanding of state-level government, not only from the inside, but from the point of view of someone who is so influential there, who knows its insides and outsides, is an extremely valuable experience to me.”

The Students Inside Albany Conference brings together high school students from across the state to learn about New York State government and the process by which citizens can participate in the policy making arena.