A Vacation is April Foolish!

Roy J. McDonald

March 29, 2010

McDonald: “There should be no spring break this year; we need to complete a legitimate budget on-time.”

“I will be working in Albany and my district, no vacation for me. This is not the first time I’ve encountered a late budget and asked the legislature to stay.”

Albany - March 29, 2010 – Senator Roy McDonald insisted today that legislators forego their two week legislative vacation and instead stay in Albany until the budget is complete. McDonald stressed the necessity of working through this period while still taking time to recognize the importance of religious observation.

“Hard working men and women throughout our State work through this period, so should their elected officials. Everyone should have the opportunity to observe their particular religious holidays, but on the days that are not officially set aside for religious observation; legislators need to be working like all people in our great state.” McDonald continued, “I take this budget process very seriously, particularly because of the hard economic conditions we are faced with. So I will be working throughout the break in Albany and across my district.”

Currently, the Assembly and Senate are scheduled to go on vacation from March 29 to April 7, disrupting two weeks of legitimate time for the budget and many legislative issues to be worked on. This schedule is determined by legislative leaders at the start of each year.

“There is no reason why two weeks needs to be wiped off the calendar for vacation while so much relevant work still needs to get done. This type of logic would never be accepted in the private sector, tough times call for more work, not more vacation,” said McDonald.

McDonald will hold a public budget hearing at the capitol during the two week period, along with visits to local businesses and with community leaders to work on how the current state budget or lack thereof will affect them.
