Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps.

Shirley L. Huntley

August 17, 2010

News From New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
For Immediate Release: August 18, 2010
Contact: Antonio Rodriguez | | (518) 455-3531

Senate bill Signed into law which Provides for the Construction of Facilities   for Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps

Senator Shirley L. Huntley (D-Jamaica) announced a new amendment (S. 8060) to the public authorities law which provides new facilities for Broad Channel volunteers. Under the Senate’s new law, Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps are now permitted to proceed with construction of new capital facilities for their not-for-profit corporation. The bill is now currently in effect.

Prior to the passing of this amendment, the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY) was not authorized to provide construction related services to the Broad Channel Volunteers Inc. By identifying this shortfall in the public authorities law DASNY is now able to offer the construction, reconstruction, improvement, renovation, development, and expansion of the Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps.

“This amendment gives our generous and dedicated volunteers the facilities they deserve to continue their commendable selfless efforts to not only better their communities but themselves,” said Senator Huntley. “These civic leaders should not have to be negatively affected by small unsubstantial setbacks that would further negate the good work that these volunteers achieve daily and I’m proud to say with the passing of this legislation that these issues will no longer be applicable.”

Without the classification of the Broad Channel Volunteers, Inc. conducting business through the Fire Department and Ambulance Corp this further construction would not have been possible making the community bear the burden of an issue so easily resolved through the passing of this legislation.