Senator Stavisky Urges New Yorkers to “Enjoy the Super Bowl, but be safe and don’t drink and drive”

Toby Ann Stavisky

January 26, 2010

Senator Stavisky Urges New Yorkers to

“Enjoy the Super Bowl, but be safe and don’t drink and drive”

Senator Toby Ann Stavisky would like to remind all New Yorkers that Super Bowl weekend (February 6th and 7th) also happens to be one of the biggest times of the year for alcohol related accidents. Urging safety, Senator Stavisky asks football fans to plan ahead, designate a driver, and encourage friends and family to be safe during this year’s celebrations.

Fatalities due to drinking increase significantly during Super Bowl weekend. The percentage of alcohol related vehicular fatalities in the U.S. in 2007 was 32 percent, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. On Super Bowl Sunday there was a significant rise, as 48 percent of traffic fatalities were alcohol related.

“There is no excuse to drive under the influence of alcohol, or anything else that may impair one’s ability to drive safely,” said Senator Stavisky. “Too many innocent families have suffered the consequences of people driving while impaired, and we need to do our part to prevent any more from suffering the pain and trauma that comes with an alcohol related accident.”

If you plan to host a Super Bowl party at your house, some easy tips to prevent a guest from irresponsibly getting behind the wheel:

• Collect the car keys upon arrival of those who will be drinking

• Establish who designated drivers are, and make sure they do not drink; connect them with those who are too impaired

• Serve a lot of food, as well as non-alcoholic beverages

• Limit the amount of alcoholic beverages that are available and establish a cut-off point – halftime or the end of the 3rd quarter

• Be responsible yourself – limit your own alcohol intake; you may only need to walk upstairs to bed, but your actions can influence your guests

• Have the number of a cab service on hand for guests who are unable to drive

• Do not be afraid to tell someone they are too impaired to drive

• Encourage your guests to wear their seatbelts

If you plan on attending a Super Bowl party:

• Decide on who your designated driver is before you enter the establishment and make sure he or she has everyone’s keys

• Keep the numbers of cab services available in your purse or wallet in case you decide to drink

• If you are unable to drive and have no designated driver, call a friend or family member

• Don’t drink too fast; for every drink of alcohol have a drink of water

• Eat before, during, and after consuming alcohol

Super Bowl Sunday is one of the most celebrated days of the year, however keep these emotions on the field and impaired drivers off the road. Remember – Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk.

For more information on how to enjoy Super Bowl weekend safely, visit or
