Larkin Outraged at Increased Taxes and Fees

William J. Larkin Jr.

May 28, 2010

This Is Not The Way To Keep New York's Parks Open

Senator Bill Larkin (R, C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) condemned the passage of today's bill increasing taxes and fees on businesses under the guise of keeping New York's parks open. The proposal, which was negotiated behind closed doors by New York City Democrats in the wee hours of the morning, calls for unprecedented hikes in fees and taxes on both large and small businesses across the state.


"This tax hike is another example of the complete disregard for businesses in New York State by the Democratic Majorities in both houses," said Larkin. "Everyone wants to keep our parks and historic sites open to the public, but this is not the way to do it. Rather than reappropriating $6 million dollars in current state funding to keep the parks open, the Democratic Leaders go out of their way to produce an onerous piece of legislation that was drafted behind closed doors during the middle of the night and imposes potentially catastrophic mandates on our already fragile business economy," said Larkin.


"As I have said on numerous occasions, I will not vote for any new taxes or fees on our hardworking taxpayers or on our struggling businesses. Despite the Democrats attempts to deny it, these new taxes and fees on manufacturers will be passed on to the consumer," said Larkin. "Once again, big government reaches out to keep New York's teetering economy on the brink of collapse."
