Larkin Sponsors Bill to Allow Gang Courts in Orange County

William J. Larkin Jr.

June 18, 2010


Response To Increased Law Enforcement Activity

    Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) has introduced legislation, along with Senator Brian Foley of Suffolk County, to establish a pilot program for gang courts in both Orange and Suffolk counties.

     The legislation will allow the chief administrator of the courts to establish special gang courts within the current judicial system in both Orange and Suffolk counties. These courts will hear and determine gang related criminal cases assigned to them from any criminal part of the courts within such counties.

    "This pilot program is a crucial first step towards bringing the gang violence under control in Newburgh and throughout Orange County," said Senator Larkin. "The dramatic rise in violent crime throughout the County, and in particular our cities, has become epidemic. This legislation will allow our judicial system a mechanism to prosecute and adjudicate those crimes that are directly related to gang involvement and send a strong message that this type of activity will not be tolerated," said Larkin.

