Senator Stachowski Honors Fallen Police Officers



 Senator William T. Stachowski (D, Lake View) today paid solemn tribute to New York’s fallen police officers at the annual Police Officers Memorial and Remembrance Ceremony in Albany which honors the memory and sacrifice of police officers from around New York State who have been slain in the line of duty.

 Senator Stachowski said, “Today, we recognize the professionalism and commitment of  these special individuals who answered the call to become police officers and who made the ultimate sacrifice as they worked to defend and protect our communities from those who would threaten our safety.  As we reflect on their profound loss, New Yorkers everywhere know how important and valuable they were.  We also know that safe, strong communities are critical to a vibrant, growing society and it is because of their work that we can have the security of a better future for ourselves and our families.  Police officers are out there every day keeping our communities safe.  They are the keepers of peace -- In many ways, they are the keepers of our future. They willingly put their lives on the line every day knowing what could happen, and yet they still do it.  These men and women are the people the rest of us turn to in times of trouble.  Every citizen, in every part of this state, knows he or she can count on our police officers to safeguard our values, our way of life, our way of doing things.  Today, in this small way, I wish to honor our fallen officers and their families.  Each and every one of them has our deepest respect and our deepest gratitude."