Senator Stachowski Sponsors Right to Life Lobby Day in Albany



 Senator William T. Stachowski (D-C, Lake View), today sponsored the New York State Right To Life Committee’s 2010 Lobby For Life Day in Albany. 

 A bi-partisan, multi-faith and multi-cultural gathering of approximately 150 members of the statewide Right To Life Committee convened in Albany to listen to legislative leaders speak in support of the Committee’s positions before members proceeded to meet with state representatives.   

A pro-life advocate, Senator Stachowski spoke to the group and encouraged members to convey their message and priorities while remaining respectful and accurate in their discussions.

One of today’s speakers also included a 25-year-old Troy, New York woman who gave moving testimony about being assaulted and stabbed by the father of her unborn child when she was eighteen.  Fortunately, she and her baby survived the brutal attack, however, her assailant is currently serving jail time for only her assault and not that of     
her unborn child.

 Senator Stachowski supports legislation (S.4897) which affirms that the right of a pregnant woman to carry her child to term be protected, and that perpetrators of crimes against women and their unborn children be held accountable for their crimes.  The bill is currently being analyzed in the Senate and Assembly Codes Committee.
 “There are very significant loopholes in the law relating to homicide and assaults in which unborn children are the victims,” said Senator Stachowski.  “Under current law, if an unborn child being carried by a pregnant mother is killed or injured, the offender may not be held criminally responsible for the harm caused to that child unless it had been born alive.  The only criminal responsibility in such a situation is for the harm caused to the pregnant mother.  This legislation states that those who kill or injure an unborn child in any stage of gestation can be held criminally responsible.  Nine other states (Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota and Utah) currently have statutes imposing criminal liability for the homicide of an unborn child in any stage of gestation.  New York should most definitely do the same.”