Gov. Cuomo Signs Sen. Espaillat's Bill to Crackdown on Dangerous "Nutcracker" Alcoholic Drink

Adriano Espaillat

August 19, 2011

Today, State Senator Adriano Espaillat (D – Manhattan/Bronx) and Assemblyman Nelson Castro (D – Bronx) applauded Governor Cuomo for signing an important law that will protect minors from a dangerous alcohol beverage sold in parts of New York City. The law, sponsored by Senator Espaillat and Assemblyman Castro in the legislature, will crack down on the selling of sugary, colorful, and strong alcoholic drinks, often known as the “nutcracker.”

“The deadly consequences of mixing alcohol with minors are well known and especially dangerous when the alcohol is sold in the form of fruity, easy to drink beverages that are targeted towards young people,” said Senator Adriano Espaillat. “The law will close loopholes and crack down on unscrupulous barbershops that sell the nutcracker and other varieties of the drink. I commend Governor Cuomo for signing our bill and look forward to taking further steps to protect the safety and well-being of young New Yorkers.”

"The signing of our nutcracker bill is a victory for all those who are concerned about underage drinking, " said Assemblyman Nelson Castro, "Nutcrackers contain a high level of alcohol…indeed we do not know what other illegal or dangerous ingredients are added which can be toxic, threaten the health of minors and can even kill them. This legislation will help protect our children and reduce the number of locations where minors can purchase these drinks."

The nutcracker generally combines multiple types of hard liquor including vodka, whiskey, and rum with sugary juices like Kool-Aid. It is sold out of many barbershops in Northern Manhattan and the Bronx. A loophole in the old law allowed barbershops to continue to operate, even after they were caught selling the nutcracker.