Sen. Adriano Espaillat Applauds Gov. Cuomo’s Selection of Assemb. Towns as Head of Housing Agency

Adriano Espaillat

February 10, 2011

As Top Democrat on Senate Housing Committee Sen. Espaillat to Work Closely with Assemb. Towns

New York, NY (February 10, 2011) – Today, New York State Senator Adriano Espaillat (D – 31st district) congratulated Assemblyman Darryl Towns on his selection as head of the Homes and Community Renewal agency. Sen. Espaillat, who is the top Democratic (ranking) member of the Senate Housing Committee, released the following statement:

 “In selecting Darryl Towns to lead the Homes and Community Renewal agency, Gov. Cuomo has made a wise choice that is particularly significant, given the dynamic nature of housing issues in our state. Gov. Cuomo’s selection is also important because Darryl will become only the third African American to hold this critical post. As the ranking member on the Senate Housing Committee, I am eager to continue working with Darryl, who brings with him a wealth of experience and a dedication to public service. Together, we must tackle the tough challenges faced by New Yorkers; tenants and homeowners alike.”

Sen. Espaillat – who served in the Assembly for 14 years prior to being elected senator last fall – is a former colleague of Assemb. Towns.