Senator Espaillat Unveils Rent Regulations Countdown Clock as Advocates Turn Up the Heat to Pass Rent Regulations

Adriano Espaillat

April 13, 2011

(New York, NY) – Today, Senator Adriano Espaillat (D – Manhattan/Bronx) unveiled a countdown clock to remind Albany legislators about the urgency of passing rent regulations, slated to expired on June 15th.

 “We must extend and strengthen rent regulations and we must do so now,” said Senator Espaillat, the top ranking Democrat on the Senate Housing Committee. “More than two million families around the state and nearly 79,000 in my district are protected by rent regulations. Allowing these regulations to expire will squeeze millions of New Yorkers out of their homes and that’s simply unacceptable.”

The countdown clock is a reminder to elected officials, particularly Senate Republicans who have thus far blocked a vote on rent regulations, that with every second passed, New York comes one step closer to a housing crisis. The clock will be a fixture in the capitol building and remain just outside the Senate Chamber (in front of the Senate Democrats’ Conference Room) until rent regulations are extended.

 “Just in case Albany needed a reminder that we’re up against the clock when it comes to addressing New Yorkers’ housing needs, the rent regulations countdown will serve the purpose. When it comes to making sure that our constituents remain in their homes, we simply cannot afford to waste any more time. The Assembly has passed rent regulations; the Governor has pledged his support for the cause; now the Senate must step up and get this done.”

 Senator Espaillat is the main sponsor of legislation (S. 2783 – A)extending and strengthening rent regulations.