Economic Regional Council Award Recipients Announced

Betty Little

December 8, 2011


     “Kudos to the North Country team!  Led by co-chairs Garry Douglas and Dr. Tony Collins, they presented a winning strategic vision for growing the North Country economy.

     “Representing two councils, the North Country and Capital Regions, I was obviously cheering for both and traveled to Albany for their presentations last week.  I commend the North Country team for their selection as one of four ‘best plans’, and the Capital Region Council deserves praise for their hard work.  Each is receiving funding for specific projects and I am encouraged that there will be another round of competition next year.

     “The collaborative effort of the councils, the relationships and partnerships forged and strengthened, will yield benefits for many years to come.  Every region of the state has much to offer.  Each has its own strengths and unique potential to grow and prosper.  The best and most effective way to tap into that potential is from the bottom-up, relying on local business, labor, higher education communities working together on a roadmap for economic growth.

     “I truly appreciate the efforts of all who participated in the process.  They contributed their time and energy and, most importantly, provided the ideas that will transform and strengthen our regional economies.  I’m also appreciative of Lieutenant Governor Bob Duffy, who spent a lot of time traveling the state to work with each team.

     “And I commend Governor Andrew Cuomo for spearheading this innovative approach that inspires cooperation and confidence.  Working together, a lot has been and will continue to be done to change New York State for the better.  The focus is where it needs to be – job creation and economic revitalization.”
