Little: Senate, Assembly Propose Budget Amendments, Announce Conference Committees

Betty Little

March 16, 2011


            The State Legislature took two steps this week toward completion of a budget that is due  April 1, the start of the new fiscal year.

            Senator Betty Little said on Tuesday each house passed budget resolutions that detail amendments to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive budget.  Budget conference subcommittees also have been announced.  Little is serving on the General Government/Local Assistance and Public Protection committees.

            “The law we passed in 2007 is being followed, the process is working and there is an earnest effort to reach an agreement with the governor and meet the April 1 deadline,” said Senator Betty Little.

            “The Senate plan accepts many of the governor’s recommendations, but like the Assembly, we see a need to restore some of the education cuts.  Upstate, rural school districts are seeing a disproportionate reduction that could result in severe staffing cuts and increased property taxes.

            “We also are concerned about a $296 million cost shift to local governments.  We’re seeking a change to the prison closure budget language that would ensure that local economic impact is weighed more heavily.”

            The General Government subcommittee will meet today at noon and the Public Protection subcommittee is scheduled to convene at 2 pm.  Both meetings are in Albany.

