Senate, Assembly, Governor agree on tax relief plan to spur economic growth

Betty Little

December 8, 2011


     "The goal of this agreement approved tonight by the Legislature is to encourage economic activity and job growth. There are a lot of national and international economic factors beyond our control. We need to do what we can on the state level and the time to act is now, not putting off action until next year’s session or within the context of negotiating a state budget.

     "Cutting income taxes for the vast majority of New Yorkers, new incentives for businesses, accelerating infrastructure projects, providing aid for storm-ravaged communities: all of this is being done to move our economy forward rather than wait and see or simply hope the situation improves.

     "With the support of groups like the National Federation of Independent Businesses and New York State Business Council, I'm confident this is the right approach at this time. I'm pleased to have partnered with Governor Cuomo and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in both houses on a sensible, timely and fair plan that reflects our priorities of reducing taxes and promoting economic growth."
