Senator Perkins Urges Governor to Protect Tenants

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Senator Bill Perkins

For Immediate Release: April 28, 2011
Contact: Cordell Cleare 212 -222-7315

Senator Perkins Urges Governor to Protect Tenants
Senator Bill Perkins, (D) 30th District Urges Governor to be a Real Reformer

“I am glad the governor plans to push for ‘most aggressive’ rent reforms, but renting families need to know whether he will lead the charge to finally end vacancy destabilization. Since it was enacted, vacancy destabilization has eroded our affordable housing stock, forcing families out of their neighborhoods and pushing rents up across the city and suburban counties. While additional reforms are needed, vacancy destabilization threatens to eliminate the entire stock of rent regulated housing that 2.5 million New Yorkers depend on. “

“In my district alone this translates to hundreds of thousands of families being displaced.  There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t get a visit from constituents panicked about the potential loss of their homes.  Please, Governor Cuomo, do the right thing, be a real reformer and tell us that you are with us on this important rent reform.”
