Forest Lake Students Help Senator Fuschillo Collect Cell Phones for Soldiers
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
November 22, 2011
Students at Forest Lake Elementary School in Wantagh recently helped Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) collect cell phones to benefit soldiers serving overseas. Senator Fuschillo visited the school to personally thank the students for participating in his “Cell Phones for Soldiers” program.
“Forest Lake’s students will really make a difference in the lives of the men and women serving our country overseas. Each cell phone they collected will help bring American servicemen and women closer to home while they’re serving abroad. I thank them for participating in this program and congratulate them on doing such a great job,” said Senator Fuschillo.
Senator Fuschillo’s “Cell Phones for Soldiers” program collects old or unwanted cell phones to benefit American troops serving overseas. Residents can donate any hand-held cell phone to the program, even if it no longer works. All phones collected through the program will be sent to ReCellular, a cell phone recycling company, which will pay a donation to the “Cell Phone for Soldiers” program for each donated phone. The proceeds raised are used to purchase calling cards for overseas soldiers to call their loved ones back home. Over 1,000 cell phones have already been collected through the program this year.
Senator Fuschillo (center) is pictured with teachers Coleen Nicolosi (fourth left) and Susan Burdick (fifth left) and students (l-r) Joe Piscopo (seated), Liam Garrity, Sean Curtis, Sean Cunnane, Brian Frank, Justina Scibeli, Courtney Gubista, and Kayla Rende with some of the phones they collected for the “Cell Phones for Soldiers” program.