Senator Fuschillo Helps Residents Safely Dispose of Unwanted Medications & Cell Phones
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
October 28, 2011

Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) recently helped residents safely dispose of over 200 pounds of unwanted medications and over 1,000 old cell phones through his “Shed the Meds” and “Cell Phones for Soldiers” programs. The programs were held at the Bellmore Train Station.
Senator Fuschillo’s “Shed the Meds” program enables residents to safely dispose of expired or unwanted medications. The over 200 pounds of medication collected were taken by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, which supervised the program, for safe disposal. Safe disposal helps protect the environment and keeps medications out of the hands of young children or others who would use them improperly.
Senator Fuschillo’s “Cell Phones for Soldiers” program collects old or unwanted cell phones to benefit American troops serving overseas. The over 1,000 phones collected through the program will be sent to ReCellular, a cell phone recycling company, which will pay a donation to the “Cell Phone for Soldiers” program for each donated phone. The proceeds raised will be used to purchase calling cards for overseas soldiers to call their loved ones back home.
“Once again, these programs were a tremendous success. We were able to keep over 200 pounds of medication out of the waterways and off the streets, as well as collect over 1,000 old cell phones to benefit our troops serving overseas. I thank everyone who participated,” said Senator Fuschillo.
Senator Fuschillo (right) is pictured with Assemblyman Dave McDonough (R-North Merrick, pictured left) at his “Shed the Meds” and “Cell Phones for Soldiers” programs at the Bellmore Train Station.