Senator Fuschillo Joins Parents Who Lost Children to Drop-Side Cribs in Applauding New Federal Drop-Side Crib Ban Taking Effect Today
Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.
June 28, 2011
- Consumer Protection
Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) today joined with the Witte and Cirigliano families, who each lost children to drop-side cribs, in applauding the new federal drop-side crib ban which takes effect today.
"Children’s products that can potentially kill a child don’t belong on the market. Drop-side cribs have caused numerous tragic deaths and injuries, which is why New York State banned them last year. Now that the federal government has also banned drop-side cribs, they will be exactly where they belong; out of the stores and off of the shelves throughout the country," said Senator Fuschillo, who sponsored New York State’s drop-side crib ban.
"13 years ago I lost my son, Tyler Jonathan, when he became entrapped by the drop side of his defectively-designed crib. After his tragic and preventable death, I promised myself that I would do everything I can to stop this senseless tragedy from happening to any other family. I knew then like I know now that dangerous cribs need to be out of stores and out of homes," stated Michele Witte. "I am so thankful that as of today, unsafe cribs will become a sad part of history."
"After losing our son Bobby in a dropside crib in 2004, we made a promise to Bobby and ourselves that we would do everything possible to raise awareness and ultimately toughen crib standards, " stated Susan Cirigliano. "We’re so pleased that, with the help of so many others, our promise has been fulfilled."
The new federal drop-side crib ban taking effect today bans the manufacture, sale, and resale of drop-side cribs. New York State banned the sale, import, manufacture, and distribution of drop-side cribs last October under a law sponsored by Senator Fuschillo. The Witte and Cirigliano families worked closely with Senator Fuschillo in getting the state law passed and strongly advocated for the new federal drop-side crib ban.
According to the CPSC, the hardware on a drop-side crib can often break or malfunction, causing the drop-side to detach and create a space between the drop-side and crib mattress. Infants and toddlers can roll into this space and become entrapped and suffocate, or sustain serious injury if the drop-side detaches completely. Safety concerns have led to millions of cribs being taken out of circulation through CPSC product recalls.
Senator Fuschillo also presented the Witte and Cirigliano families with signed copies of the state law they helped get enacted.
"The Witte and Cirigliano families, who have endured an unthinkable tragedy, have fought tirelessly to protect other children from being harmed by drop-side cribs. Thanks to their efforts, drop-side cribs were banned throughout New York State and are now banned throughout the country. This is a great day for them and I congratulate them on a job well done," Senator Fuschillo added.
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