Senator Fuschillo Named to Energy Committee

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

January 20, 2011

Responsibilities Include Confirming Next LIPA CEO

Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) has been appointed to serve on the influential Senate Committee on Energy and Telecommunications. The appointment by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, will give Long Island a strong voice on the committee that is, for the first time in state history, responsible for confirming the next CEO of the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA).

“The actions of the LIPA have an impact on every household and every business on Long Island and it’s critically important that the right person is chosen to lead it,” Senator Fuschillo said.  “That individual must understand the needs and concerns of people on Long Island as they relate to energy.” 

“The rising cost of energy is one of the concerns I hear most often from my constituents because their bills just keep going up,” Senator Fuschillo said.  “As a member of the Senate Energy Committee, I’ll be a strong advocate for affordable energy rates and I expect LIPA to be sensitive to that issue.”

LIPA trustees recently said that they have narrowed the field of potential chief executives to three candidates.  Once the trustees make their selection for a new chief executive, the Energy and Telecommunications Committee will meet to consider their choice.  If the candidate is approved by the committee, the candidate will come before the entire Senate for confirmation.

“Senator Fuschillo has established an outstanding record of fighting for New Yorkers as former Chair of the Consumer Protection Committee and as Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee,” Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos.  “I’m confident that he will be a tenacious watchdog for energy consumers as part of the Senate Energy Committee.”

The Senate Committee on Energy and Telecommunications also oversees the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, the New York Power Authority, the state Public Service Commission, as well as all public utilities and telecommunications companies and the cable television industry. 

Senator Fuschillo is also the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Transportation and a member of the Senate Committees on: Finance; Health; Consumer Protection; Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business; Codes; and Civil Service and Pensions.
