Senator Fuschillo Reminds Residents About Free Citizen Cpr Course on October 22nd
Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) is reminding residents that he will be sponsoring a free citizen CPR course at the Freeport Recreation Center on Saturday, October 22nd from 10 to 11 am.
The course, which is sponsored in conjunction with the American Red Cross, teaches residents what to do in a situation where someone needs CPR.
Program participants will learn live-saving, hands-only CPR techniques from a certified CPR instructor and be able to practice CPR chest compressions on a mannequin. AED demonstrations will also be performed.
There is no minimum age or prerequisites to participate, but residents who would like to take part in the program must register prior to the event.
Call Senator Fuschillo’s office at 516-882-0630 to register for the free citizen CPR course.