Snow Storm Assistance Contact Numbers

With more snow and ice predicted to affect Long Island Tuesday and Wednesday, Senator Fuschillo is once again reminding residents about contact numbers of where they can get storm-related information or services:
To report power outages or downed power lines:
* LIPA Hotline: (800) 490-0075
* Freeport Electric: 516-378-0146 (Village of Freeport residents only)
Information on mass transit service:
* MTA/LIRR/LI Bus online: www.mta.info
* LIRR 24 hour travel information center: 718-217-5477
* LI Bus travel information: 516-228-4000
* NYC Transit travel information: 718-330-1234
Up to the minute information about traffic conditions on Long Island’s major roads:
* NYS Department of Transportation’s 511 service: www.511ny.org or by calling 5-1-1.
To report snow plowing issues or downed trees blocking the road:
* Town maintained roads:
Town of Oyster Bay: 516-677-5757
Town of Hempstead: 516-489-5000, 516-538-1900 (after hours)
Town of Babylon: 631-957-7474
* Village maintained roads:
Village of Freeport: 516-377-2289
Village of Massapequa Park: 516-798-0244
Village of Amityville: 631-789-2200
Village of Lindenhurst: 631-957-7520
* County maintained roads
Nassau County: 516-571-6900
Suffolk County: 631-852-2677, 631-852-4900
* State maintained roads:
NYS Department of Transportation: 631-904-3059
As always, residents can also contact Senator Fuschillo's office at 516-882-0630 should they need additional assistance.