State Senate Honors Freeport’s Longtime Library Director

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

January 28, 2011

Senator Fuschillo Sponsors Senate Resolution Honoring

Dave Opatow’s Many Years of Service to Freeport Community 

            New York State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) announced that the New York State Senate has passed a legislative resolution he sponsored honoring former Freeport Library Director Dave Opatow for his many years of service to the Freeport community. Mr. Opatow retired at the end of 2010 following 24 years of service to the Library. 

            The resolution honored Mr. Opatow for his “faithful, conscientious, and valuable service” to the Freeport Library over the last 24 years, noting that he “served with loyalty, honor, and distinction” and “earned the admiration, esteem, and affection of his colleagues.”   

            “For 24 years, Dave Opatow served the residents of Freeport as Library Director, working hard to make the Library the valuable community resource that it is today. It’s wonderful to see such a good and decent man recognized by the State Senate for his many years of dedicated service. I thank Dave for his service, congratulate him on a job well done, and wish him all the best as he begins his retirement and a new chapter of his life,” said Senator Fuschillo. 

With the Senate passage of the legislative resolution, David Opatow’s name and record of service will forever be part of the New York State Senate’s official record.


Text of the Senate resolution

Senate Resolution 36

By Senator Fuschillo

LEGISLATIVE  RESOLUTION  honoring  David Opatow upon the occasion of his retirement after many years of distinguished service as Director of  the Freeport Memorial Library

WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense of this Legislative Body to acknowledge the significant milestones in the distinguished careers  of  esteemed  residents of this noble Empire State; and

WHEREAS,  Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long standing traditions, this Legislative Body  is  justly  proud  to  honor David  Opatow  upon  the  occasion of his retirement after many years of distinguished service as Director of the Freeport Memorial  Library;  he will officially retire on Friday, December 31, 2010; and

WHEREAS,  For  the  past  24  years,  David  Opatow rendered faithful, conscientious and valuable service to  the  Freeport  Memorial  Library, earning the admiration, esteem and affection of his colleagues; he truly enjoyed  working  for  a  great  library which comprised a conscientious Board of Directors and an enthusiastic staff; and

WHEREAS, In his capacity as Director, David Opatow served with  loyalty, honor and distinction, and, was governed by a keen sense of duty and always showed a unique grasp of human problems in his official acts; and

WHEREAS, With him throughout have been his wife, Judy, and their three children, Jessica and her husband, Bob, Sandra and her husband, Pat, and Mark  and  his wife, Alicia, as well as one grandson, Jonny, all of whom feel privileged to be a part of his life and  rejoice  in  his  achievements; and

WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body that when individuals of such noble aims and accomplishments are brought  to  our  attention,  they  should  be celebrated and recognized by all the citizens of the great State of New York; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause  in  its  deliberations to honor  David Opatow upon the occasion of his retirement after many years of distinguished service to the Freeport Memorial  Library;  and  be  it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to David Opatow, Oceanside, New York.