Senator Squadron and Senate Democrats to Hold Public Forum on Ethics Reform

Daniel L. Squadron

April 27, 2011

For Immediate Release: April 28, 2011

 Use Senate Rule VII to Force First Public Forum on Ethics Reform in Almost Two Years

 (Albany, NY) Answering the public’s call for immediate action on ethics reform, Senator Daniel Squadron, joined by members of the Senate Democratic Conference will hold the first public forum on ethics reform in nearly two years on Wednesday, May 4th.

Despite overwhelming public support, Senate Republicans have refused to act on petitions submitted by Senate Democrats two weeks ago seeking to force public hearings on key ethics legislation. To break the Albany logjam, Senate Democrats will act on their own, employing Senate Rule VII to convene a public forum on legislation under the jurisdiction of the Investigations and Government Operations Committee including:

  • Establishing an independent commission on governmental ethics (S31/Squadron); and
  • Increasing financial and client disclosure requirements (S382/Rivera).

Additionally, Senate Democrats intend for the public forum to include discussion of proposed legislation on:

  • Stripping elected officials convicted of misusing office of pensions (S2333/Krueger);
  • Restricting the personal use of campaign funds (S3053/Krueger); and
  • Eliminating Pay-to-Play (S1565/Addabbo).

Under Senate Rule VII Section 4(b), “any Senator may convene a public forum on proposed or pending legislation within the jurisdiction of a committee upon which he or she is a member.”

State Senator Daniel Squadron said, "For Albany to do the people's business, we must change the way Albany does business. Halfway through the legislative session, we have yet to see any action on the fundamental reforms that almost every Senator has pledged to support. This Forum will offer an important public hearing on critical ethics reform.  Passage of a real ethics package will lend much-needed transparency and accountability to our state government, helping restore New Yorkers' trust and allowing us all to better tackle the dire challenges facing our state."


Senator Daniel Squadron

Senator Liz Krueger

Senator Gustavo Rivera

Senator Joe Addabbo

Senator Tony Avella

Senator Neil Breslin

Members of the Senate Democratic Conference


Brennan Center for Justice

Citizens Union

Citizen Action of New York

Common Cause NY

League of Women Voters of New York


WHEN: Wednesday, May 4th 12 PM (or immediately following the conclusion of session)

WHERE: Hearing Room A in the LOB
