Senator Squadron Announces 2011 SAGE Awards for Graduating Students

Daniel L. Squadron

June 20, 2011


Service and Government Engagement Awards Recognize Young New Yorkers' Public Service, Community Engagement

NEW YORK --  Today, State Senator Daniel Squadron announced the third annual Service and Government Engagement (SAGE) Awards, honoring graduating Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn students who have demonstrated public service and a deep commitment to their communities beyond the classroom.

Elementary, middle, and high schools across the 25th Senate District have nominated students who exemplify a civic-minded spirit and have made an impact on their communities through service and engagement. Senator Squadron founded the award in 2009 to recognize students’ achievements and foster a lifelong commitment to public service among New York’s young people.

The awards will be presented to students at graduation ceremonies throughout the week.

WHAT:           Third Annual Service and Government Engagement (SAGE) Awards

WHO:             Senator Daniel Squadron; Graduating Students

WHERE:         Schools across Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn

WHEN:           June 21-27, 2011