Squadron Urges City to Award NYU/Poly Applied Sciences Proposal

Campus at 370 Jay Street Would Utilize Long-Empty Keystone Property, Allow Multiple Applied Sciences Proposals To Be Selected

BROOKLYN – State Senator Daniel Squadron is urging the City to move forward with an Applied Sciences in NYC proposal submitted by New York University and the Polytechnic Institute of NYU.  The application proposes a Center for Urban Science and Progress at 370 Jay Street in Downtown Brooklyn.

In a letter to Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Robert Steel that is also copied to senior officials at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Senator Squadron writes that “pursuing 370 Jay Street would be a major step forward in the resurgence of Downtown Brooklyn, an area that has garnered hundreds of millions of dollars in capital improvements, but in which a full renaissance is stymied by 370 Jay’s current abandonment and disrepair…. NYU’s application presents a long-awaited opportunity.”

Senator Squadron adds, “Awarding NYU’s application would create value for the new center of science and technology, and for the existing ones. Further, if NYU’s application were successful, 370 Jay Street would likely require minimal capital investment from the City. As such, selecting it would not preclude the selection of another, more expensive Applied Sciences proposal as well.”

The full letter is available below.


Media Contact: Amy Spitalnick / 212.298.5565