Senator Valesky Supports New Programs to Benefit New York's Servicemen and Women

State Senator David J. Valesky (D-Oneida) voted to pass a package of legislation that extends or creates programs to honor the brave veterans and active military personnel who serve our nation.

“Through their service to this nation, thousands of veterans and active military personnel have made courageous sacrifices on behalf of all of us,” Senator Valesky said. “This legislation is a way for us to say thank you and show our continued support for their selfless dedication.”

The package is comprised of the following bills: 

S1728: Makes the desecration of  a veterans grave site, regardless of the value of the damaged or stolen property a class E felony. 

S2421: Gives the authority to the Adjutant General to present a burial flag to those who have served in the New York Guard. 

S1504: Prohibits the unauthorized sale, purchase or transfer of any cemetery marker, flag holder, monument, statue or other physical memorabilia that is over 75 years old that commemorates the life or death of a veteran or groups of veterans. 

S2424A:  Establishes the “New York State Veterans Cemetery Act”, to conduct an investigation and study on establishing a New York State veterans cemetery. 

S3484:  Extends the program established in 1996 which offers tuition waivers and incentive benefits that service personnel may receive until march 31, 2017.  The program was set to expire on March 31, 2011. 

S3900:   Protects mourners at military funerals by prohibiting disruptive behavior, such as protests,  500 feet of a funeral service for a military service person who died while serving. 

S.656: Sponsored by Senator Valesky, authorizes the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to designate organized fishing events to provide physical and emotional rehabilitation for current and former members of the armed forces.  A fishing license would not be required to participate.