Join the Fight to Pass the Property Tax Cap

New York homeowners are sick and tired of paying the highest property taxes in the nation.
That’s why the State Senate took action to pass landmark legislation that would cap the growth of local tax levies at two percent or the consumer price index, whichever is less.
The bill (S.2706)– which passed the Senate by an overwhelming, bi-partisan majority vote – was originally proposed by Governor Andrew Cuomo. All we need now for the cap to become law is or the State Assembly Majority to join us in passing it.
Placing a cap on local property taxes would provide the relief our local homeowners so desperately need. Forty three other states have some type of cap on property taxes and have seen reductions in property taxes – New York should become the 44th.
Your help is vital to making a property tax cap a reality. Please join our fight by signing the petition below, and feel free to pass it along to other New Yorkers who are fed up with skyrocketing property taxes.
Help to send a loud and clear message to the Assembly Majority that homeowners in our community want a cap on property taxes, and they want it now!