Senator Skelos & Governor Cuomo Unveil the "New York Remembers" Exhibit

Dean G. Skelos

September 8, 2011

Senator Dean Skelos is pictured with Governor Andrew Cuomo, Rockville Centre Mayor Francis Murray and the heroic 9/11 First Responders from Rockville Centre during the unveiling of the "New York Remembers" Exhibit at the Rockville Centre Recreation Centre.


"New York Remembers" is an exhibit honoring the victims and heroes of 9/11 and features historical artifacts recovered from that tragic day. Rockville Centre has been chosen as one of the two places on Long Island that will showcase these nationally important historical artifacts because of the exceptionally profound loss of life the village, and the communities surrounding it, suffered on September 11. This exhibit will provide another way for us all to learn more about the experiences of others on that tragic day, remember the thousands who died, and demonstrate the strength and resolve of our community, state and country.