Statement by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos

Dean G. Skelos

May 2, 2011

       The welcome news that the military forces of the United States killed
terrorist leader Osama bin Laden hopefully brings a measure of peace and
closure to thousands of New Yorkers, including many of my constituents, who
lost loved ones, neighbors and friends on September 11th.  Their lives will
never be the same because of bin Laden’s actions, but after almost ten
years, justice has finally been done.

       I commend the President for taking decisive action and I want to
thank the men and women of our armed forces who have tirelessly pursued bin
Laden for almost a decade, as well as all Americans serving overseas, who
are putting their lives in danger in the name of freedom.

       While the leader of worldwide terrorism is dead, we must keep up our
guard to ensure that all Americans here and abroad are safe from his
followers and others who would bring harm to our country.