Statement by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos
Today’s report by Comptroller DiNapoli, showing that tax collections for the first quarter of the State’s Fiscal Year have far outpaced recent estimates, is encouraging, and we must continue to monitor this situation over the next six months.
If this positive trend continues, the Governor and State Legislature should focus on cutting taxes so businesses across the state can use the resulting savings to create new jobs, grow their companies and invest in New York.
This year’s state budget, a responsible spending plan that eliminated a $10 billion deficit without raising taxes, was widely recognized as the first step in showing job-creators that New York was once again open for business.
It is critically important to build on that progress by creating the conditions necessary to encourage job growth and economic expansion, so young people can find a job and raise their families here in New York. I look forward to partnering with the Governor and others to cut taxes, including repeal of the job-killing MTA payroll tax, and to rebuild our local and regional economies for the future.