From The Desk of NYS Senator Eric Adams

Eric Adams

January 13, 2011


Dear Constituents:

The tragic shooting in Arizona has shocked and saddened the nation, and indeed the world. The vicious attack on the life of a Congresswoman and the murder of six people, including a nine-year-old girl, must serve to unite all individuals in our American democracy.  No matter your political affiliation, this tragedy is reason to come together to honor those who were injured and killed. 

 Gun violence is all too prevalent in our society; it is a scourge, and we must dedicate ourselves to its eradication.  Please join me in the Grand Army Plaza safety zone (on the site of the weekend farmers’ market between Prospect Park West and Flatbush Avenue) on Sunday, January 16th, at 5:00 pm for a candlelight vigil. While we cannot undo the horrific event in Tucson, I am hopeful that with compassion and care, we can create a better tomorrow.