NYS Senator Eric Adams Joins The Parents Of Slain NYPD Detective Russel Timoshenko To Announce The Second Annual Bridging The Gap Basketball Scholarship Tournament In Memory Of Detective Timoshenko’s Life, Which Was Taken In The Line Of Duty In July 2007.
Eric Adams
April 19, 2011
- Families
- New York City
- Police

On Friday, April 8, 2011, NYS Senator Eric Adams joined the parents of slain NYPD Detective Russel Timoshenko to announce the second annual Bridging the Gap Basketball Scholarship Tournament in memory of slain NYPD Detective Russel Timoshenko. The tournament, was hosted by the Student Government Association in collaboration with the 71st Precinct Detectives Unit. The money raised will benefit the Detective Russel Timoshenko Scholarship Fund for tuition assistance to Medgar Evers College students.
NYS Senator Adams stated: “Detective Russel Timoshenko made the supreme sacrifice with bravery and dedication to duty. We are united today, just as we stood together at the time of the tragedy in 2007, to show our support for those who give their lives in order to protect ours. It is important that we stand together with our police officers to call for unity, justice, and peace, and an end to senseless violence.
“I am extremely proud of the organizers and sponsors of this memorial tournament. The funds raised will promote the academic aspirations of students at Medgar Evers College by providing tuition assistance.”