Statement from NYS Senator Eric Adams on the Resignation of NYC Schools Chancellor Cathie Black

Eric Adams

April 8, 2011

Statement from New York Senator Eric Adams on the Resignation of NYC Schools Chancellor Cathie Black
Senator Adams stated:

“I give Cathy Black an “A” for her decision to resign.” 

“This is a major victory for educators, parents and, more importantly, students.  It is essential that the Chancellor of NYC public schools is an individual with the proper credentials.  The appointment of Dennis Walcott as Chancellor is an educationally sound decision.  Walcott’s extensive background in education policy will tend to raise schools to a higher standard.  His diverse experience – from being a Kindergarten  teacher and founding a mentoring organization for young men to Deputy Mayor of Education and Community Development – gives Mr. Walcott a comprehensive view of the problems in the NYC public school system and will enable him to transform our schools.  We expect great things from newly appointed Chancellor Walcott.”